Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thing #23 - Beyond Facebook

While looking through ALL of the information (LOL), I came across several helpful forums, groups, videos, and even a few members. I was eager to reach out, but I am still pending approval :-) The most useful one I came across was something called Edmodo. This is similar to a Moodle, but it looks eerily identical to Facebook. I favored it because it wasn't as "busy" as some of the other sites we have visited in these past weeks.

My overall thought was that I was glad the directions were specific and a time frame was given, because once again I spent a good chunk of time just browsing. It really is intriguing. I feel like I do when I go to the book store or library. 3 hours later... my husband calls and asks if I am ok. LOL

Once again, I am really liking the idea of getting a social networking site together for a campus. I really wonder how it could be organized, who would help, what topics we could start with. I think it would benefit not only teachers and students, but administrators as well. The entire campus could collaborate on things like the CIP, tutoring, detention duties, etc... I would never go it alone, but I know there are many people on our campus who would be interested in at least giving it a try with me.

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